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Guest Speaker - Professor Richard Hunstead - University of Sydney
Thursday 04 February 2016, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 862

The role of the Planck satellite and the South Pole Telescope in opening up a new window on clusters of galaxies

Professor Richard Hunstead

For nearly 50 years Professor Hunstead has been researching astronomy and teaching physics to students at the University of Sydney.

"I was lucky to join the university just at the time radio astronomy was an up-and-coming science, which offered a different way of viewing the cosmos. It was a thrill during my PhD to work with the Mills Cross radio telescope, then one of the newest instruments to change the face of the discipline."

Professor Hunstead went on to make several important discoveries and has published over 200 articles, with quasars, black holes, galaxy formation and evolution just some of his areas of interest.


Location Green Point Observatory