How to Join
Any person with an interest in astronomy may apply for membership to the Sutherland Astronomical Society. You do not need to own your own telescope to be a part of our Society.
The first step in joining is to come along to one of our guest speaker nights on the 1st Thursday of each month (Except January) at the Green Point Observatory. One of our committee members will make you feel welcome. The talks start promptly at 7:30pm. Perhaps stay after the talk for Supper, and we can show you around the facilities.
You are welcome to attend a few nights before paying your membership fees. Membership can be paid in person at the observatory, or via our online store. The annual membership fee is to be paid in advance. It will next be due before 1 April in the year following your application.
After payment you will receive a welcome email from the Secretary. Please let us know what name you wish to see on your name tag or name tags. Family memberships will receive a name tag for each adult and, if you so choose, a name tag for each child. Please let us know.
After joining the Society you will be invited to join our private Facebook group “SASI Members Forum”, where we share information and discuss upcoming events. This is optional.
As a new member you may use the Society's telescopes with an accredited member or we can help you develop skills with your own equipment.
As your experience with telescopes grows you may like to undertake in house accreditation to use the society’s 16 inch reflector telescope in the historic Green Point Observatory (GPO) dome, 14 inch Schmitt Cassegrain telescope or portable Schmitt Cassegrain telescopes and Dobsonian telescopes.
As well as the variety of guest speakers presenting on the first Thursday of each month, members can also participate in:
- Observing and Workshop Sessions at the Green Point Observatory
- Annual course in Practical Astronomy (which is ideal for new Society members & the general public)
- Observing Sessions at our local dark field site south of Engadine
- Observing holidays (Star Parties) at rural locations 4 hours drive from Sydney
- Society Activities including quiz nights, barbeques, annual dinners & monthly picnics etc
- Cosmology discussion nights
- Sci-fi appreciation nights
- Sharing your enthusiasm for astronomy with our visitors at our Public Open nights
- Camaraderie, enjoy being with like minded people
- You will also receive an emailed copy of our Society’s quarterly Journal “The Southern Observer”
- and enjoy access to an up-to-date astronomical library.
- Telescopes may be available for loan (with a refundable deposit)
Full Membership - $70 pa
- 18 - 64 yrs inclusive
- Only available in one person's name
- Partners welcome at social events only
Family Membership - $100 pa
- for couples and families with school age children who like to explore the skies together
- children under 16 need to be accompanied by an adult
Concessional Membership - $40 pa
- Pensioners
- Seniors 65 years and over.
- Full time Student under 25 yrs
- Juniors under 18 yrs. (not permitted to vote)
If you have any queries please contact the Secretary via our Contact Form.
Check out our calendar to see all our events for both the public and members.
We look forward to meeting you.