Visit Green Point Observatory!

Look through some big telescopes

Selby Telescope


Learn about astronomy

Group Booking Talk


The Sutherland Astronomical Society Inc. (SASI) accepts bookings for groups of people who are interested in visiting Green Point Observatory. Visits usually consist of an entertaining and informative visual presentation plus an observatory tour and the opportunity to observe the night sky through the society's telescopes (weather permitting).

We recommend that group visits occur around the time of the First Quarter Moon to give visitors an optimum view of Earths' natural satellite. Our members meet Thursday evenings, however most other nights are available for group visits. A typical evening program commences at 7.00pm and concludes 2 hours later, although these times are negotiable.

We normally restrict group bookings to the non-daylight savings months (April to September) when it gets dark earlier in the evening. 

$15 per person, $240 minimum charge, maximum 30 people.

In the event of inclement weather, if viewing through telescopes is not possible, an alternative program will be substituted.

While most of our clients are schools (both primary and secondary) and Scouting/Guide groups, we welcome all groups, such as community groups, service clubs, church groups, and work social clubs.


To make a booking or enquiry contact our Star Night Officer.