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Guest Speaker - Brett McMillan
Thursday 04 August 2016, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 744

50 Years of NACAA

In 1965 a group of members from the James Cook Astronomers Club (now the Sutherland Astronomical Society Inc) visited the Canberra Astronomical Society at what was then the premier astronomical observatory in Australia. During discussions, it was suggested that a national conference be organised to allow amateur astronomers to get together to discuss observations, observing techniques and other matters of mutal interest. The following year, in 1966, a preliminary conference was held in Katoomba, and the first national convention, later given the name NACAA, was held in the following year. This presentation traces the history of the settgin up of the convention and changes that have happened in the 50 years since.


Brett McMillan 

has been interested in amateur astronomy since he was a child, probably encouraged by lunar landings and books from the local library. He joined Sutherland Astronomical Society (then known as James Cook Astronomers Club) at the age of 12 and has been a member ever since. He has been Treasurer, President, and then Secretary of the societysince 1988. Brett attended his first NACAA convention in Sydney in 1988 and has attended every NACAA convention since. Brett was convenor of the 1998 NACAA held in Sutherland, and has served various roles in the organisation of NACAA since then.

Location Green Point Observatory