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Guest Speaker - Peter Eyland
Thursday 06 October 2016, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 698

Women in Astronomy

Many women have added to observational and radio Astronomy. Often, few people are aware of the significant roles that they have played. This talk introduces a number of them from ancient to modern times. They include overseas and Australian examples. For this talk, they may include Hypatia of Alexandria, Caroline Herschel, Maria Mitchell, Williamina Fleming, Henrietta Levitt, Antonia Maury, Annie Jump Cannon, Cecilia Payne, Ruby Payne-Scott, Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Vera Rubin.

Peter Eyland

Peter Eyland

was an academic in the School of Physics at UNSW for 35 years full time, and spent 10 years as a casual academic after his retirement. He has been active in a number of clubs and societies as Board member, management committee, etc. His qualifications include B.Sc. UNSW (Physics and Maths), M.Physics UNSW, B.D. Hons London, Th.L. Hons Aust Coll Theol, M.A. Macquarie (Ancient History).