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Guest Speaker - Dr Angel Lopez-Sanchez (AAO/MQU)
Thursday 02 November 2017, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 1280

Light and Astrophysics

Light is the key piece of the Astrophysics we make today. Indeed, the main tool astrophysicists have to investigate the Cosmos is the study of the radiation we receive from the outer space. Thanks to the analysis of the light we know where stars, galaxies, and all the other celestial bodies are, what are they made of, how do the move, and more. Actually, much of the research we now do combines observing and analyzing light coming from very different spectral ranges, X rays, ultraviolet, optical, infrared and radio waves. In many cases, we are using techniques that have been known for only few decades and that are still waiting to be fully exploited. In this talk I will review what information can be achieved analyzing! the light of the Cosmos in all wavelength and some of the new technologies we're developing at the Australian Astronomical Observatory to get a better understanding of the evolution of the Universe.

Dr Angel Lopez Sanchez m

Dr. Ángel R. López-Sánchez

is an astrophysicist and science communicator working at the Australian Astronomical Observatory (AAO) and the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the Macquarie University (MQ) in Sydney (NSW, Australia). His research is focused in the analysis of star formation phenomena in galaxies of the Local Universe, especially in dwarf starbursts and spiral galaxies, using multi-wavelength (UV, optical, IR, radio) data. He presented his PhD Thesis at University of La Laguna & Instituto Astrofisica de Canarias (Spain) in 2006. In 2007 he joined CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science (Sydney) with a postdoctoral position. He then joined the AAO/MQ in 2011. Part of his work is providing observational support to the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT, Siding Spring Observatory, NSW). He have large experience teaching undergraduate and PhD students and giving lectures and classes about Astronomy. Dr. López-Sánchez is passionate science communicator who continuously gives talks and public lectures, writes popular science articles and organises stargazing activities. He is very active in social media, his Twitter feed is @El_Lobo_Rayado.

Location Green Point Observatory