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Guest Speaker - Dr Marina Samokhina
Thursday 01 February 2018, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 962

The Bolshoi Simulation 

The Bolshoi simulation is a simulation of the evolution of the large-scale structure of the universe that has been performed in 2010 on the Pleiades supercomputer and has been acknowledged as the most accurate cosmological simulation. It is based on Lambda-CDM model of the universe, this model is a standard (as per today) parametrisation of the Big Bang model. The simulation's approximation to reality obtained for a volume of space which is about 1 billion light years across.

Marina Samokhina

Samokhina Marina tnMarina Samokhina qualified with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physics and Mathematics, a Master of Science, and a PhD from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, with her thesis on "Design and cryptanalysis of information security systems based on linear codes in various metric spaces".

Marina currently works in the software development industry as an Applcations Security Engineer. 

Marina's interests include: The Universe, Space exploration, Genetics, Information Security, Cryptography, Future IT infrastructure and architectures, Software development, Databases, Linear codes, and Artificial Intelligence

Location Green Point Observatory