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Guest Speaker - Dr Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer (UNSW)
Thursday 01 March 2018, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 1278

Juno mission and supporting observations with the GEMINI telescope 

The Juno spacecraft is placed in the 53-day polar orbit around Jupiter taking data of its atmospheric composition, magnetic fields and gravity in order to study fundamental questions about planetary formation, evolution and physics. I will review the latest observations of Jovian clouds and radiometric measurements that probe planetary weather systems to unprecedented depths. 

I will also discuss Juno’s observations of the Jovian auroras formed in high-latitude atmospheric layers of the planetary polar regions. Juno’s measurements are complemented by observations from the ground telescopes. For example while Juno measures particle energies in the Jovian magnetosphere, our spectroscopic observations of Jupiter aurora with the Gemini telescope provide high-resolution maps of near-infrared emissions that allow us to understand physical conditions in the upper atmosphere of the planet.

Dr Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer

Dr Lucyna Chudczer

Dr Lucyna Kedziora-Chudczer is a Research Fellow at the University of New South Wales.

After completing her PhD on the radio variability of Active Galactic Nuclei at the University of Sydney in 1999, she became the AAO/ATNF Research Fellow at the Anglo Australian Observatory studying polarization properties and monitoring the intraday variable quasars.

In 2003 she moved to the University of Sydney, where she was offered a position of the Harry Messel Research Fellow, and continued her work on both the polarization of compact radio sources and properties of our local Galactic Interstellar Medium. During this time, she also taught undergraduate courses and mentored the PhD students.

In 2009 she accepted a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the UNSW in the area of planetary and exo-planetary science. She is a member of the Australian Centre for Astrobiology. Her interests include the spectroscopy and polarimetry observations of exoplanets, as well as the modelling of planetary atmospheres. Recently she was involved in the design and construction of the High Precision Polarimetric Instrument (HIPPI) used at the Anglo Australian Telescope for observations of exoplanets and bright stars.

Location Green Point Observatory