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Wednesday 23 May 2018, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
Hits : 359

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Alongside this major TV event, the ABC in partnership with Australian National University will lead a Guinness World Record attempt for the Most people stargazing – multiple venues. This record is for the greatest number of people stargazing simultaneously across different venues.

The current World Record, set in 2015 by the Australian National University, stands at 7,960 people across 37 locations. We are aiming to set a record this year so large that it will be nearly impossible to break again, but we need your help to achieve this!

SASI are part of the current world record, and will be hosting a Star Party on Wednesday 23 May to participate in the new world record attempt. So come along and join the fun!


To participate you must have a telescope or binoculars for each person. You can either bring your own or buy an inexpensive telescope for $7.15 each when registering. Details and registration at our event Facebook page. If you're not on Facebook go straight to our Eventbrite event.


To fundraise on the evening BBQ food will be available provided by the 1st Oyster Bay Scouts.

We have also partnered with Sky-Watcher Australia who will be donating some cool gear (a Sky-Watcher Dobsonian telescope) as a lucky door prize.

You can also download our Event Flyer

Location Green Point Observatory