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Guest Speaker - Rajika Kuruwita (ANU)
Thursday 06 September 2018, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 961

Formation of Binary Stars and Planets around Binary Star Systems

In Douglas Adams' Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, the planet Magrathea is described as "the impossible planet", orbiting twin suns. But is it impossible to make a planet like Magrathea? Well no, we've discovered a number of planets around binary star systems, but I want to know whether it is easier or harder for planets to form in binary systems. When considering planet formation astronomers have mostly only considered planet formation around single stars. Despite our anthropocentric bias towards considering single stars first, a larger portion of stars are born in binary or multiple star systems. In my presentation I will be talking about my research on binary star formation and the evolution of protoplanetary disks in these systems. My work has investigated binary and disk evolution from a theoretical and observational perspective, and looked at how various mechanisms such as accretion, outflows, photoevaporation and dynamical evolution changes between the single and binary star pictures. Hopefully by the end of my presentation I will have convinced you that trying to understand planet formation around binary stars should be considered and that planets like Tatooine and Gallifrey are not just for science fiction.

Rajika Kuruwita

Rajika Kuruwita

I am a Sri Lankan born Australian astronomy postgraduate researcher. I received my Bachelor of Science (majoring in Astronomy and Astrophysics) and Master of Research (majoring in Physics and Astronomy) from Macquarie University. I am currently doing my PhD at the Australian National University.

My master's thesis research consisted of hydrodynamical simulations of the fall back of bound material onto binary star systems undergoing common envelope evolution.

My current research is focused on the formation of binary star systems and the implications for planet formation around binary stars. My PhD research primarily consists of ideal MHD simulations with FLASH of binary star formation. I also have an observational component focused on creating a census of the fraction of proto-planetary disks hosted by young binary stars in various star forming regions.

I have plenty of outreach experience. I organised and ran observatory and planetarium sessions at Macquarie University. At Mount Stromlo Observatory I also organise and run private and public outreach sessions.