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Cosmology Club
Thursday 16 July 2020, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 164

Cosmology Club Nights are currently a Members-Only event

Dear fellow members,

I hope you are all safe and well and enjoying your added time with family and friends during the Covid-19 restrictions.

We will continue to review our access and use of our GPO facilities in line with the NSW Governments restriction updates.

To that end I am sure you are aware of recent changes to the rules which can be found at COVID-19 What you can and can't do under the rules

This means we can have meetings complying with the requirement to 4 square metres per person in a given space or room. That means for meetings like the Cosmology club, we can accommodate 18 people in the meeting hall, which includes the space from the front door to the large screen at the front of the seated space. So if you do attend a meeting it is your responsibility to maintain your social distancing and hand hygiene at all times and clean any equipment you use including Kitchen utensils and cups before and after use.

For your information it also means the Selby dome space can have up to 4 people and the C14 roll off roof observatory up to 5 people. Also no more than 2 people in the kitchen at any one time. The Library can at best have no more than 3 people in the total space available there.

The Format of Cosmology Nights

We are a society founded on fellowship, sharing our knowledge to the mutual benefit of all our members and the advancement of the science of astronomy within our community and amongst our membership.

So it's wonderful that we can again come together, albeit in limited numbers, so let's make the most of it!

As the usual attendance at these nights is less than 20 members, these nights will not be ticketed so it will require members to either use other spaces at the GPO as outlined above or go home should the number attending exceed 18.

Here is the agenda we as a committee would like to promote and for you to engage in :-


  1. Members share recent observing, imaging or equipment experiences and news, with each person encouraged to talk for no more than 5 minutes to the group. If you have an image or slide to share bring it along on a memory stick and the Cosmology club presenter/co-ordinater can display it for you.
  2. If a dvd is being shown the dvd coordinator/presenter, currently Ian Walsh, will introduce the topic or episode. They will also attempt to also relay this to those who are unable to attend via zoom.
  3. A tea/coffee break for discussion, during which social distancing rules above apply.
  4. Continuation of dvd presentation if it applies.
  5. Meeting close and clean up to comply with the Covid-19 rules per above.

Have fun, stay safe and clear skies !

Kind regards,

Sandy Galos

SASI President

Location Green Point Observatory