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Guest Speaker - Dr Guillaume Jourjon – CSIRO
Thursday 01 October 2020, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 326

Square Kilometre Array Communications Improvements


Dr Guillaume Jourjon photoDr Guillaume Jourjon – CSIRO

Guillaume is a Senior Research Scientist at Data61-CSIRO where he is part of the Networks Research Group in the Cyber-Physical System Program.





Research Interests: My research interests revolve around network measurements, fraud detection, and new network architectures. My current projects include:
– Large Scale Measurement Architecture and performance evaluation
– Network Economics
– Software Defined Networking
– Multi-threaded high-speed packet processing for network bound applications
– Cyber-security

Biography: During my career to date, I have pursued research excellence in three concurrent axes. The first aims at promoting experimental-based research in networking. This approach led us to develop the cOntrol and Management Framework (OMF), a modular testbed management framework, and its companion measurement library (OML). These research instruments allows the researchers to exhaustively describe their experiments and orchestrate their applications with the measurement library. In this context, I have recently developed a general portal in order to automatically store experiment characteristics, and allow the replication and analysis of the results.

The second axis of my research applied to the development of new teaching capacity in accordance to the on-going evolution of both research in networking and the University requirements for students in engineering courses. Indeed, networking has recently been added to numerous diplomas ranging from aeronautical engineering to pure computer science. Thus, a lecturer cannot expect all their students to have good enough programming skills to perform assignments and lab tasks, suggesting that a new teaching approach is required. In order to help the lecturer, I have introduced, with the IREEL tool, a new learning layer for networking and to a certain extent, computer science courses. This layer allows a general abstraction of the network whilst real protocols are used to perform experiments configured by the students. Furthermore, it allows the students to have a better look “under the hood” and to better cope with the steep learning curve involved in the acquisition of the new programming language. Recently, this tool has been used at the UNSW in S2 2010 and was well received by the students for its learning capabilities.

My third research interest is related to P2P computing and service delivery optimisation. In the recent years, the increase of the network capacities has been followed by the increase of end system capacities, such as home gateways. These mini computers, serving as a router/modem, could be use to provide new as well as legacy services directly at the consumer’s premises and thus limit the carbon foot print of services such as VoD or gaming. I am interested
in finding new models to describe this kind of managed P2P distribution systems in order to make them even more efficient in terms of energy consumption or SLA fulfilment. In an orthogonal approach, I am also interested in developing new algorithms and architectures
to take advantage of the distributed computing capability.

For More Information:
Publications, Research, Experience, Achievements & Awards

Location Green Point Observatory