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Daytime Astronomers Picnic
Tuesday 26 October 2021, 10:00am
Hits : 117

Hello fellow members,

It is a pleasure to be able to advise that we will be holding our DAP days once again after the few months of lockdown. This will be for double vaccinated members in order to meet the NSW Health Regulations. As indicated in the schedule, it will be held at the Oatley Park location. Drive to the low end of the park under the castle structure as indicated on the attached map. As usual it will be from 10am to 2pm so we can beat the afternoon school and tradies traffic. In order to be extra cautious, bring a mask and please maintain a reasonable separation from others. Weather at this early stage is looking good with 22 degrees forecast. If the day is inclement we will meet at Sharks Kareela for lunch STARTING AT 11.30am. This is because of their 2 sittings policy because of separation requirements. Any questions, please contact me.

Oatley Park

Location Oatley Park - Drive to low end of the park under the 'Castle' structure
Contact Rolando
Shelter - Yes
BBQ - Yes
Toilets - Yes