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Guest Speaker - Rolando De Michiel
Thursday 03 November 2022, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 285

The Sun and Solar Observing

Rolando IMG 2867Rolando De Michiel

Rolando De Michiel grew up in the Sutherland Shire where in his youth, night skies were dark and the Milky Way galaxy was clearly visible. One of his most memorable astronomical experiences was to see the passing overhead of the Sputnik satellite in October 1957 from the family home at Sylvania Heights. Books were prominent in Rolando’s education and this extended to those that had photographs of planets, galaxies and nebulae taken with the largest telescope – the 200 inch Mt Palomar behemoth.

Whilst always having an interest in astronomy, he joined the Sutherland Astronomical Society in 1986 after having followed Halley’s Comet throughout its journey through the Solar System. Rolando undertook the WEA course presented by the SAS. He has been a member since then and has been involved in various positions in the Society from President to Editor of the journal as well as presenter of the cosmology part of the SASPAC course.

Currently he dedicates time to viewing the Sun and enjoys combining this with his first passion – photography, frequently observing and photographing Prominences, Sunspots and other Solar phenomena.

Location of Event: Green Point Observatory