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Lunar Eclipse Night with Uranus Conjunction
Tuesday 08 November 2022, 07:00pm
Hits : 107

Members and their families are invited to attend the GPO to observe this event.

Both the 41 cm Newtonian and the 35cm Schmidt Cassegrain telescopes will be available for viewing, although they won't have a view of the eclipse until later in the evening. The observatory will be open from 7:00pm. Tea, coffee & cakes will be provided during the evening, Below is a link to details of the timing of eclipse.

Eclipses visible in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia – 8 Nov 2022 Lunar Eclipse (

Members are also welcome to bring along their own telescopes and binoculars for viewing on the field.

Looking forward to seeing you at the GPO on the 8th!
-SASI Committee

Location of Event: Green Point Observatory