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Total Solar Eclipse Photo Presentation
Thursday 29 June 2023, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 168

Col Maybury (President of the Astronomical Society of the Hunter) and Lou Pagano (SASI Committee member) will be doing a photo presentation of their Expedition to observe the Total Solar Eclipse in Exmouth, WA. 

The TSE will be on 20 April, '23. 

Col and Lou will be travelling through Sunraysia, Port Augusta, Nullarbor, Perth, Carnarvon and Exmouth.

On the return journey they will be travelling back to Perth, go over to Rottnest Island and drive back to the East Coast via Nullarbor, Port Augusta and Cobar. 

Lou and Col have been planning this expedition for a while and hopefully will bring back images of the Total Solar Eclipse as well as photos of interesting places visited enroute.

Location of Event: Green Point Observatory
Contact Lou Pagano