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Guest Speakers - Toner Stevenson & Melissa Hulbert
Thursday 06 July 2023, 07:30pm - 09:30pm
Hits : 440

Eclipse Chasers: astronomical adventures past and present

Eclipse Chasers Book

Experiencing a total solar eclipse is a visceral experience, involving anticipation, adventure and sometimes disappointment. This talk co-presented by Toner Stevenson and Melissa Hulbert will focus on the Eclipse Chasers book recently published by CSIRO. The talk will include the Ancient civilisations knowledge of eclipses, historical highlights as we romp through past uniquely Australian eclipses. Results from the very recent eclipse in Western Australia will conclude the talk.



Toner Stevenson photo

Toner Stevenson

is an honorary History affiliate at The University of Sydney where she manages the School of Humanities. She has a Doctorate in Social Sciences and her career in museums included Manager of Sydney Observatory. Toner is active in amateur astronomy, is a member of Sydney City Skywatchers, and she has experienced six (and hopefully seven) total solar eclipses. She is co-author of the 'Eclipse Chasers' book.



 Melissa Hulbert 1 tnMelissa Hulbert

is an astronomer with a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in physics/astrophysics. Her career includes university lecturing and working at the Powerhouse Museum’s Sydney Observatory as programs coordinator and astronomy educator. She is an astrophotographer and has witnessed and photographed nine (and hopefully ten) total solar eclipses and one annular eclipse. Melissa has led three eclipse tours, is a member of SASI and a contributing author of the 'Eclipse Chasers' book.


Location of event: Green Point Observatory