Unfortulately, the planned 2024 SASI total eclipse tour has been cancelled. Apologies to those who would be disappointed by this announcement.


The SASI 2024 USA Total Solar Eclipse (TSE) Tour is now up and running.

This is the fifth TSE Expedition that has now been formally organised by the Sutherland Astronomical Society Inc. (Sydney) SASI, since the 2022 Ceduna TSE observed from South Australia.

SASI only organises TSE Expeditions if they are favourable and have proximity to reliable transport and accommodation.

As well, SASI makes no fees out of these expeditions, they are very cost effective and are organised only to promote astronomy.

In past SASI TSE experiences, patrons have included SASI members as well as partners and friends and there was representation from 11 Australian astronomical societies that joined us at the ’17 USA TSE expedition. As well, interested members of the public, and their parties, have attended many of our Total Solar Eclipse expeditions.

There will also be sightseeing included. For this trip this will include the Johnson Space Center in Houston and sightseeing within Washington DC as well as the Air and Space Smithsonian Museum to name a few.
Please find the flyer for this TSE expedition as a link on this webpage.

Please see attached tour brochure for details.